Why is Facebook buying into Jio / Happy Mother’s Day
Why is Facebook buying shares in Jio?
Good morning?
Why do you even care why Facebook is buying into Jio, you don’t even buy shares!
No I was just curious.
Why cant you be curious about other things?
Like what?
I don’t know, maybe real estate.
Real estate is dead, it was dead the day Modi became Prime Minister.
That was just a normal day conversation between me and my mom. Her appetite for information is unlimited, and her curiosity boundless. A woman who barely completed her schooling, she claims she did but there is no documentary evidence, (so we will leave it at that) she can ask a lot of questions and provide you a lot of answers, should you ask her. Something you would never expect in a grandma.
My mother taught me two important lessons in my life A) School has nothing to do with learning, you can be immensely schooled and still uneducated. B) Being passionately curious can teach you more than books and formal education can ever.
A curious mind is always busy exploring, looking for new things, new knowledge, new ways to doing things, new ideas and new adventures. Curiosity led the man to discovering how to light a fire, to make a wheel, to go faster and to climb Mount Everest to know what it feels like being on top of the world.
To achieve more, be curious and Happy Mother’s Day.